Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Sexual harassment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sexual harassment - Research Paper Example The harasser can also be an agent of the employer, a co-worker, a worker from another area, a non-employee, a teacher, a student or any number of individuals with whom the victim might come into contact in the daily course of their living activities. Although most employers have some kind of sexual harassment policies in place, it is often not taken seriously enough and the victims may have difficulty bringing their concerns to attention. What has come to light and what is important to remember when finding it difficult to understand the significance of true sexual harassment, is that it is very limiting to both male and female students and workers. In many ways, sexual harassment functions to restrict access to certain professions or educational paths based on nothing more than gender simply because those being harassed are not taken seriously or chose to flee rather than bring the offending behavior to attention. Despite the emphasis given to sexual harassment issues within the wor kplace, the patterns of harassment actually start much earlier, often in grade school.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Substance Abuse Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Substance Abuse - Research Paper Example This paper shall discuss substance abuse and its impact to the human body and the daily functioning of a person. This paper shall also evaluate how the work environment I am currently part of is affected by substance abuse. Possible solutions which can be carried out through social controls will also be discussed. The different social and economic benefits which can be seen after implementation of these social controls will also be discussed. This paper is being conducted in order to establish the different important details which are needed to understand substance abuse. Discussion Substances which are subject to abuse include drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. People often have different reasons for such abuse and more often than not, society pays heavily the price for substance abuse. The impact of this abuse can be seen in the increase in admissions in the hospitals for drug overdose, alcohol poisoning, and other more encompassing incidents like road accidents caused by drunk or drugge d drivers. The courts are also often tied up with a long list of crimes where drugs and/or alcohol are involved in their commission. Substances subject of abuse These substances which are considered addictive contain ingredients which produce symptoms of dependence. Tobacco for example contains the addicting substance known as nicotine. Inasmuch as people use tobacco or cigarettes to relieve stress, to improve performance and vigilance, to relieve depression, and to control weight, it also contains thousands of chemicals which impact negatively on our body. Such effects may come in the form of heart disease, lung disease, peptic ulcer, stroke, and lung cancer (WebMd, 2011). Alcohol also contains addictive elements. It is used by people as a â€Å"pick me up,†however it can also cause decreased muscle control, can slur speech, and it can decrease inhibitions. It is also attributed as the cause of thousands of car accidents – some of them fatal. Illicit drugs like marij uana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, and other so-called club drugs (ecstacy, PCP, ketamine, GHB, and similar drugs) are also used to produce various effects, including pleasure sensations, and general feelings of well-being or â€Å"high†. It can however cause massive organ damage, as well as cause heart, lung, and kidney problems. Impact on the current work environment In my current work environment, substance abuse impacts in terms of the quality of work given to each task by each employee. For those who suffer from an addiction problem, I noted that their addiction is sometimes so debilitating that it incapacitates them – making them frequent absentees and slackers at work. These workers can also make the workplace a dangerous environment with some of them showing up drunk and disorderly or hung-over (OSH, 2008). In carrying out their duties, their concentration can sometimes be compromised and in the process, they can place their lives, as well as the lives of other co-workers in danger (OSH, 2008). In the area I work in – in the Quality Control division of a cosmetics company, substance abuse affects the quality of work. For those who are alcoholics and drug addicts, I noted that they were often inconsistent in their attendance. They were often absent or late. As a result, the rest of us had to make the necessary adjustments to make up for their absence or their lateness. They were able to
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