Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sociological Approach to the Study of Religion - 1673 Words
Outline and assess one of the main approaches to the study of religions. Religion and ‘The Study of Religions’ has many approaches which try to investigate the core of what religion is and what it means to the people who practice it. Sociology is one such approach that this essay will be looking at through its founding fathers Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx. Sociology in general looks at people’s dynamics and explains a group’s influence. It demonstrates how religious belief and practices have become so important over time and emphasises their role and significance throughout. Each of these three sociologists has a link to these ideas which will be the main thesis in this essay. Emile Durkheim looks at religion from a†¦show more content†¦Marxism disagrees that religion can bring about social change, this, however can be disputed. This is mainly due to the fact religious leaders have challenged the status quo in order to bring about change in their societies. Two main examples being Father Camillo Torres Restre po and Martin Luther King whose works brought about a vast amount of change to Colombia and America respectively. Evidently this contrasts to the Marxists view as it shows that religion can in fact bring about social change and consequently allow for equality. Personally, I feel that the Marxists view limits human nature as it assumes they will simply follow rather than stand up to injustice. More importantly sociology in general claims to work in an objective and scientific way but I cannot see how it is possible with Marxists ideas such as on the religion being a drug and comforting as these ideas are impossible to measure. Max Weber is regarded as a social action theorist due to his claim that religion can shape and define society. He argues that religion can indeed bring about social change; he bases his argument on a Christian group named the Calvinists whom according to him brought about a form of western capitalism. This form of â€Å"ascetic Protestantism†(Johnstone, Ronald L. 2004:196) allows for the growth of capitalism because of their belief on disciplined hard work which to them emphasised the Glory of God. This â€Å"spirit of capitalism†(Furseth, Inger and Pal Repstad 2006:36) did notShow MoreRelatedSociological Approach to the Study of Religion689 Words  | 3 PagesThe Sociological Approach to the Study of Religion Various methods are utilized in the study of religion and they are employed for a multitude of reasons. The method chosen to study religions is determined by the information being sought. Included among these approaches are social scientific approaches such as the anthropology of religion and the psychology of religion, and normative approaches such as the theology of religion and the philosophy of religion. There is also the sociological approachRead MoreMarxist Perspective On Religion And Liberation Theology1199 Words  | 5 Pagesconsumerism are reinforcing oppressive structures could be viewed as a type of â€Å"methodological atheism†, for Marx fails to acknowledge the significance of transcendence for those practicing religion. In the chapter, â€Å"Sociological Approaches†, Northcott points to the relationship between the Marxist perspective on religion and liberation theology movements in Latin America. Marxist inspired liberation theology acted as a source for power for the poor, as it aided in the reformation of the Catholic ChurchRead MoreDurkheim s Sociological Perspective On Religion1733 Words  | 7 PagesDurkheim’s sociological approach to religion. Several central aspects of Durkheim’s approach are defined, including the concepts of religion, clan, and totem. The Totemic Principle and how it can be applied to religion is also discussed. Supporting evidence for Durkheim is offered through Eliade, while dissension is offered by Malinowski. This work concludes with an example of Durkheim’s ideas applied to the story of Lame Deer. Background Any discussion of Durkheim’s views on religion from a sociologicalRead MoreCommon Sense Explanations And The Explanations Of C. Wright Mills Theory Of The Sociological Imagination1534 Words  | 7 PagesIn this essay I will be exploring the differences between common sense explanations and the explanations of C. Wright Mills theory of The Sociological Imagination. Common sense is based on people s personal experiences and their opinions, very often constructed from social norms and generalised views. Whereas, the Sociological Imagination thought up by sociologist C. Wright Mills (1959) is based on the ideas of thinking critically and skeptically, in order to think sociologically. He wrote thatRead MorePhilosophy, Phenomenology And Comparative Approachs851 Words  | 4 Pagesthere are six different approaches to religion. One approach is the psychological or individual aspect. Then there is the sociological approach which looks at group behavior. Then there is also the anthropological approach which is looks at societies, cultures and things of that nature. Lastly there is the philosophy, phenomenology and comparative approachs. The psychological approach to religion allows us to examine the individual. The psychology of religion is to understand the personal religiousRead MoreSigmund Freud And Emile Durkheim On Religion1587 Words  | 7 PagesDurkheim on religion, looking at how both theorists essentially viewed religion as serving an integral role in human culture. In particular, this essay considers how both theorists consider religious believers to be mistaken in their ontological beliefs, and the rational causes for this. While both Sigmund Freud and Emile Durkheim are concerned with the study of human behaviour as it relates to culture, each does so from within distinct traditions. In terms of religion, Freud’s approach belongs toRead MoreThe Sociological Perspective, As Defined By The Textbook Society900 Words  | 4 PagesThe sociological perspective, as defined by the textbook Society: The Basics on page 2, is being able to see the general in the particular. This means that a sociologist’s goal is to observe a group of specific people, such as those who go to professional sports games, and find the similarities in their behaviors, like why some dress in outrageous costumes. A sociological perspective is important to understanding the role of a society as part of the larger world. This is called the global perspectiveRead More Functionalist View on the Role and Functions of Religion in Society716 Words  | 3 PagesFunctionalist View on the Role and Functions of Religion in Soci ety Assess the view that sociological arguments and evidence support the Functionalist view of the role and functions of religion in contemporary society. Functionalists believe that religion is a conservative force, and an institution which adds to the requirements of society. They say it ultimately operates as an agency of socialisation. Durkheim (1912) said that all societies are separated intoRead MoreSociology 210 Study Guide1129 Words  | 5 PagesChapter One: The Sociological Perspective I. The Sociological Perspective. A. Sociology is the systematic study of human society. B. The sociological perspective (Berger, 1963) helps us to see general social patterns in the behavior of particular individuals (the general in the particular). C. It also encourages us to realize that society guides our thoughts and deeds  to see the strange in the familiar (Berger, 1963). D. Sociology also encourages us to see personal choice in social contextRead MoreScience Which Deals With The Establishment And Development Of Human Societies Essay1589 Words  | 7 Pagesof human societies. 2.-is a science that has as purpose studying the reality of those entities social such which are. But not as it should be, as well as, the study of societies should be considered analogous to the objects of the animated world. Is it history natural of them corporations human. 3.-the sociology can define is as the study scientific of the life group of them humans, since frequently is gives a use incorrect to them terms sociology and sociologist, would be worth the penalty mention
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Role Of Social Risk Factors On The Development Of Our...
Jenalee Dawson SSCU/494 Research Proposal December 12th 2014 Families play a vital role in the development of our youth. Studies done on juvenile delinquency have shown that the family environment can present either a risk or protective factor. I have found through my research that as the number of risk factors to which youth are exposed increases, so does the probability that they will engage in delinquent behaviors. The presence of one risk factor may promote the existence of another risk factor, which may then in return lead to a greater likelihood of problematic behaviors in adolescents. Families that are exposed to multiple risk factors are considered at-risk families†. Finding the root causes and factors and understanding the effects of these family-based risk and protective factors is important in preventing adolescents from being involved in illegal, harmful, or inappropriate conduct, and keeping them on track. What exactly provokes a child to become delinquent and what makes the child gravitate so easily towards this lifestyle? With my research study I would like to explore how social risk factors influence juvenile delinquency. Are Juveniles more likely to become juvenile delinquents if there is little structure provided for them in their families? Do social factors in society influence these negative behaviors? What are protective factors that contribute to prevention of juvenile delinquency in adolescents? Much research hasShow MoreRelatedPresbyterian Childrens Homes And Services Of Missouri : The Pchas Case Study1138 Words  | 5 PagesTherapeutic Mentoring services to youth between the ages of four and nineteen in Lincoln County. This program will work with youth identified through school districts (Lincoln County R III) and other social service and healthcare focused agencies (Crider Health Center, Preferred Family Healthcare) in Lincoln County. The expected risk factors to be present in this population include: †¢ mental health/behavioral issues of youth that increase caregiver burden †¢ social isolation †¢ poverty †¢ high unemploymentRead MoreThe Theories of Risk Protective Factors Among Youth Offenders815 Words  | 4 Pages(CRIM 105 South Bend) Connie Wawrzyniak 02/02/2011 The Theories Of Risk And Protective Factors Among Youth Offenders In today’s world there are many risk factors that play into a youths life. A risk factor approach assumes that there are multiple, and overlapping, risk factors in an individuals background that lead to adverse outcomes. Examples of risk factors which may lead to a youth being a offender are non-attendance at school, school failure, substance abuse, being abused, unemploymentRead MorePositive Effects of Sports on At Risk Youth Essay1439 Words  | 6 PagesPositive Effects of Sports on At Risk Youth Sports provide many opportunities for our youth today. 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Finally, we need to make sure our athletes are being coached properly, andRead MoreTeenage Moms That Are Still In High School Get Pregnant1391 Words  | 6 Pagesany population can increase the risk for problems. The biggest risk for teen mothers is delaying prenatal care or worse, about seven percent received no care at all. According to CDC, In 2014, almost 250,000 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a birth rate of 24.2 per 1,000 women in this age group. This is another historic low, and a drop of 9% from 2013. Birth rates fell 11% for women aged 15–17 years, and 7% for women aged 18–19 years.  Risk Factors There is some evidence that certainRead MoreEssay on Adolescent Violence1591 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract There is no doubt that violence, especially among youth, is a problem in the U.S. today. Since 1993, the U.S. has had the highest rate of childhood homicide, suicide, and firearms related deaths of any of the worlds 26 wealthiest nations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1993), stated the authors of the article. Due to results as stated above by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the questions what factors cause violent fighting as well as weapon carrying and whatRead MoreThe Brain And Its Effect On Brain Development1335 Words  | 6 PagesTeenagers are susceptible to engaging in risky behaviors such as, unprotected sex, drug abuse, and unhealthy lifestyles because of the natural sequence of our brain development. Myelination and maturation of the neurons in the brain work from the back of the brain towards the front. This is important because the prefrontal cortex is located at the front of the brain and is responsible for problem solving, processing comp lex thoughts, a decision making. The limbic system is at the base of the brain
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Indian Removal Act Of 1830 - 923 Words
It gives me pleasure to announce to Congress . . . the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation†(Jackson, 1830, para.1). With promises of new lands, protection, and monies, President Andrew Jackson portrays the Indian Removal Act of 1830 as beneficial to Indians, wherein governmental financial gain is incidental. However, when considering land transactions and gold discoveries, the true beneficiaries are revealed. While strengthening the States’ white population, wealth, and power, the Indian Removal Act dispels previous treaties that ensure Indian ancestral territorial boundaries; and it ultimately facilitates the forced relocation where thousands die of starvation and exposure. Proponents of the Indian Removal Act (the Act) advocate its benefits to the Indians. For instance, in his message to Congress, President Andrew Jackson (1830) explains, that as white settlements inevitably progress westward, current policy attributes to the slow annihilation of the Indians, therefore a speedy removal protects the Indian civilizations from extinction. He goes on to explain that the Act not only provides for this speedy removal, but provides a purchase of their current territory, endows a new extensive territory, finances relocation, and offers future support and protection; and these offers should be â€Å"hailed with gratitude and joy†(para.4), and any â€Å"pecuniary advantages which it promises to the Government are the least of itsShow MoreRelatedThe Removal Of The Indian Removal Act Of 18301820 Words  | 8 Pagespolicy of the Government, steadily pursued for nearly thirty years, in relation to the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation. Two important tribes have accepted the provision made for their removal at the last session of Congress, and it is believed that their example will induce the remaining tribes also to seek the same obvious advantages.†(Jackson, 1830) This quote from President Andrew Jackson showed the happiness of the â€Å"white settlers†ofRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 18301155 Words  | 5 Pages2015 Indian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was an act that helped aid the expansion of the United States population into the southernmost states, occupied mainly by Native Americans. The act was a long time coming, especially with President Andrew Jackson, a long-time proponent of Native American removal, at the helm. This paper explores the history leading up to the law, the introduction and passage, as well as the sometimes-tragic implementation of the Indian Removal Act of 1830Read MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830868 Words  | 4 PagesIndian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28th 1930 during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Perhaps best known as the black eye of the administration and overshadowing his presidency’s accomplishments, the Indian Removal Act was passed into law to allow the president to negotiate with Indians to purchase land they occupied and offer them lands west of the Mississippi. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 could also amount to pure greed and racism, the beginning of theRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 1830940 Words  | 4 PagesThe American’s desire for expansion of their nation and economic growth has always been their main interest and goal. The Indian Removal in the 1830’s was a great example of America’s efforts to expand through North America and their motivation to economically improve through profitable opportunities. When comparing the Indian Removal and the events that followed the Treaty of Paris, a similarity in the expansion of America i s discovered. Labor, politics, and economics of America during the two erasRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 18301083 Words  | 5 Pages The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was a law passed by President Andrew Jackson that provided the funds for the removal of the Indian tribes found in South. These tribes were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. Slave states, following the lead of Missouri who in the 1820s forced its Indian population to leave, saw the opportunity to expand their industry in the fielding of cotton by â€Å"converting Indian soil into slave soil.†That along with the finding of gold and simply the desireRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 1830892 Words  | 4 Pagesstudents are analyzing is; what are the major effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830? The students will be given several data sets of events that occurred after the act was initiated and draw conclusions and revise their thesis statement as they go. The big idea of this lesson to have students understand the importance of the Indian Removal Act and it is essentially only the beginning of the journey that Indian tribes had to face after the act was initiated. It led to many heartbreaking events thatRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act of 18301123 Words  | 5 PagesTHE INDIAN REMOVAL ACT OF 1830 Migdalia Tuero HIST101: American History to 1877 Professor Kathleen Davis February 13, 2014 There are several historical events and issues that have impacted the contemporary political development among American history. In the history of America one of these groups are the Native Americans. The white man throughout the South called for a removal of the Indian peoples. They wanted the Native Indians to be resettled to the west because their presence createdRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 18301299 Words  | 6 Pageswere many diverse, and complex views when approaching this subject matter; however, in 1830 President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act, which forced Indians to relocate from their homelands in south east to land west of the Mississippi river. This granted the U.S. a large portion of new rich land, unfortunately it was at the expense of the Native Americans. When passing the Indian Removal Act of 1830, President Jackson relied on teleological utilitarianism ethnic views, in that he focusedRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830923 Words  | 4 Pagesbut the Cherokee removal was the cruelest work I ever knew†, remarked a Georgia soldier who had participated in the removal of Indian Natives during the mid-1800’s. As a result of the Indian Removal Act, Indian natives have been perceived as mistreated and cheated throughout history. The Indian Removal Act was passed during the presidency of Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. This act granted authorization to the president to exchange unsettled lands west of Mississippi for Indian lands residing inRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 1830865 Words  | 4 PagesWhen the Indian Removal act of 1830 was enacted, the Cherokee Nation panicked. The Cherokee, specifically the romanticized Tsali, did their best to preserve their culture in the mountains of North Carolina, but what really saved them from their harsh fate that so many other Cherokee faced, was there white chief, William Holland Thomas. The Cherokee were â€Å"disagreeable and dangerous neighbors,†but th ey had a powerful ally in Raleigh, who saved the Eastern Band from a much harsher fate. The Eastern
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Federal Government Hiring Process - 810 Words
The memorandum created to address and alter the federal government hiring process. The intentions of the memorandum were to generate brainstorming, support, collaboration and an effective plan through OPM, OMB and the agency management team. The goal to improve the recruiting and hiring process could ensure high-quality candidates. The federal government recruits and hire highly qualified employees to support and provide services to the public. Nevertheless, the federal hiring process discourages many highly qualified candidates from pursuing and achieving jobs in the government. President Obama ordered and issued a memorandum to modernize the hiring procedures within 180 days. Moreover, the problem was address to executive departments and agencies. Collectively, agencies, hiring managers, interest groups and OPM exhibited different point-of-views regarding the reform process. Agency such as the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) has a unique opinion regarding the reform. The AFGE preferred the reform would restrict the Federal Career Intern Program, since the program is exclusively design for new hires. The program eliminates competitive procedures and opportunities for Veteran’s Preference. Some argue that the hiring process includes an interruption between the federal and non-federal pay, effective recruitment announcement, the S.736 Act, and candidates who are not involved in the targeted group. Others claim that President Obama memorandumShow MoreRelatedFederal Bureaucracy and Tasks Specialization1724 Words  | 7 Pa gesfor public participation in the rule-making process by nominating federal appointees the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) the Tennessee Valley Authority the General Accountability Office (GAO) providing services not fully trusted to the private sector hierarchy/chain of command to regulate commerce regulation during World War II to regulate business practices and various aspects of the national economy. to prohibit federal employees from engaging in partisan politicalRead MoreEssay on Employment Discrimination933 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscrimination based on sexual orientation. Discriminatory practices include bias in hiring, promotion, job assignment, termination, compensation, and various types of harassment. The main body of employment discrimination laws is composed of federal and state statutes. The United States Constitution and some state constitutions provide additional protection where the employer is a governmental body or the government has taken significant steps to foster the discriminatory practice of the employer.Read MoreThe Human Resources Staff Should Be Legal902 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout the hiring process, there is a host of problems that plague the system. The search for people to fill openings in any organization should be solely based on who is the best candidate for the job. The human resources staff should look for the most qualified person that will be the best fit for the organization. The human resources staff should not be seeking to fill roles based on the color of a person’s skin, their sex, or religious culture. Any job opening should be given to the personRead MoreEthical Issues in Hiring1019 Words  | 5 PagesEthical Issues in Management: Hiring Hiring is an everyday function of all businesses, when hiring, there are numerous policies and procedures that are required and must be followed. This will guide and address the directives that businesses should follow to meet the terms of the law and guarantee that the business is not showing prejudice against any group, but that the company hires the person most qualified without regard to race, religion, gender or creed. There are many moral and ethicalRead MoreThe Importance Of Being A Dea Agent1077 Words  | 5 Pages In order to become a DEA Agent, a rigorous hiring process is needed to ensure only qualified applicants become part of the country’s elite drug-fighting team. The first step would be to meet with a recruiter. To join the DEA, a bachelor’s degree and/or experience related to the field is the first requirement (The United States Department of Justice: Careers). After this is met, one can contact their local recruiter and apply through them. Once the application is completed, a Special Agent ApplicantRead MoreThe Protection Of Title Vii Of The Civil Rights Act Of 19641135 Words  | 5 Pagesneed to determine in the hiring, firing and promotional process. Although, the US Constitution and Federal Laws do not directly address or state laws for privacy many US State constitutions place a protection of privacy as given right. The only federal law that address such information is the Privacy Act of 1978 which does not expressly address testing information in the hiring process but does cover most employee information of federal employee. But since it only covers federal employees this causeRead MoreLegal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements of Human Resources1248 Words  | 5 Pageslegal regulatory requirements and topics pertaining to human resources process in hiring employees to prevent costly litigation. Safety and the Law Many Human Resources (HR) experts and managers have implemented HR strategies to comply with federal regulations to supervise efficiently employee health and safety in the workplace. An organization has the responsibility as mandated by all levels of government to offer all employees the assurance of a working environment free fromRead MoreStrengths And Weaknesses Of Airport Security799 Words  | 4 Pagesadministered using a government-operated system since the Aviation and Transportation Security Act was enacted in 2001. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), now an agency of homeland security, replaced private security measures and personnel with at least 60,000 federal employees (Szyliowicz, 2011). However, privatization may be making a come-back. The following analysis will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of privately-owned and operated airport security systems versus government-operatedRead MoreIn House Work Essay975 Words  | 4 Pagesprofessionalâ€⠄¢s jobs and keeping the rest of the job of in-house work by the government. I feel that author of this article raises a very important topic that need concern in the current situation. People believe that government are making inappropriate decision by taking the control over the in-house work that should be contracted out. Similarly, this article also provides one of the possible reason behind the government doing such an inappropriate decision. It is found that contract employees areRead MoreEqual Employment Opportunity ( Eeo ), Affirmative Action And Diversity Initiatives Essay996 Words  | 4 PagesEqual Employment Opportunity (EEO), Affirmative Action and Diversity initiatives are three different concepts. However, they do have an inter-relation between them. Affirmative Action plans are initiated by the federal government. This programme ensures equal opportunities for employment and opportunities for self-development at workplace. It provides opportunities to qualified in dividuals who have been denied such opportunities in the past on some kind of discrimination. Primarily, it is a quota
Ionic Free Essays
Define and describe ionic and covalent bonds. An ionic bond is a type of chemical bond formed through an electrostatic attraction between two oppositely charged ions. A covalent bond is the chemical bond that involves the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms. We will write a custom essay sample on Ionic or any similar topic only for you Order Now A compound is made when two or more atoms form a chemical bond, linking them together. The two types of bonds are ionic bonds and covalent bonds. In an ionic bond, the atoms are bound together by the attraction between oppositely charged ions. If the electron is shared equally between the atoms forming a covalent bond, then the bond is said to be nonpolar. An electron is more attracted to one atom than to another which forming a polar covalent bond. Ionic bonds are formed between a cation and an anion. Pure ionic bonding cannot exist: all ionic compounds have some degree of covalent bonding. An ionic bond is considered a bond where the ionic character is greater than the covalent character. The larger the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms involved in the bond, the more ionic the bond is. Bonds with partially ionic and partially covalent character are called polar covalent bonds. Ionic bonding is a form of no covalent bonding. Ionic compounds conduct electricity when molten or in solution, but not as a solid. They generally have a high melting point and tend to be soluble in water. The stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding. For many molecules, the sharing of electrons allows each atom to attain the equivalent of a full outer shell, corresponding to a stable electronic configuration. Covalent bonding includes many kinds of interaction, including ? -bonding, ? -bonding, metal-to-metal bonding, agnostic interactions, and three-center two-electron bonds. The term covalent bond dates from 1939. The prefix co- means jointly, associated in action, partnered to a lesser degree in essence, means that the atoms share valence. Molecule H2, the hydrogen atoms share the two electrons via covalent bonding. Covalency is greatest between atoms of similar electronegativity. Covalent bonding does not necessarily require the two atoms be of the same elements, only that they are of comparable electronegativity. Although covalent bonding entails sharing of electrons, it is not necessarily delocalized. How to cite Ionic, Essay examples
Certificate free essay sample
Whilst the layout of reports is often a personal or corporate matter, it is wise to follow a few simple rules. )The report should have a beginning, middle and end. b)It should be laid out in a manner that makes it easy to read (e. g. a title, sub headings, references to observation sheet where necessary). c)Any recommendations are usually left until the end. This allows the busy manager to skip all the wordy report and look at the bottom line. 2. Relevant topics. It is important to remember the purpose of this report. The majority of faults found during the inspection will be of a minor nature, which would be rectified by the workforce supervisor.The secret of a good report is identifying those matters, which will need management action. Typically, these would include: a)Anything that has a cost implication, e. g. the need to budget for rebuild, the need to provide lockers etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Certificate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page b)Possible breaches of legislation, e. g. All portable electrical equipment should be regularly tested, a requirement of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. c)A breakdown of procedures, e. g. PPE not being booked in and out of stores, a requirement of the workshop. )Poor supervision, e. g. Personnel working without PPE. e)Underlying problems, e. g. Attitude of workers regarding tidiness. There is a need for further training to highlight the need for good housekeeping 3. Cost implications. One of the most important factors associated with convincing management about taking action is the cost implication. If you can assure the reader that the action necessary will cost little or nothing, then the chances of agreement to the action is almost certain.The above, notwithstanding, if there is a substantial cost implication then it is necessary to highlight the fact to enable plans for future budgeting to be made. 4. Relevant legislation. As with the cost implications above, highlighting Possible breaches of legislation will often lead to management action. It is necessary to ensure that the legislation quoted is relevant, however. 5. Strength of argument. By producing a well balanced, logical report encompassing all of the above points, it should be enough to convince most managers that action needs to e taken. (it should be noted that in real life situations there are certain managers who will never be convinced, short of an accident happening, of the need for good health and safety practice.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Process of Dealing with Death free essay sample
When they are gone, we must learn to carry on. In today’s world, there are few things if any at all that last forever; whether it be something bought in a store, or even us human beings everything has an expiration date. Death is not a simple thing to cope with. It takes time to go through the stages of grieving and reach the final point of acceptance. As people, we differ from each other, which means that it may take a week, a month, a year, or even more time for someone to cope with the death of a loved one; it all depends on the person.The stages of grieving after a death in the family vary for everyone but most commonly they tend to include anger/denial, guilt, and the final step in coping with death, acceptance. It is often hard to accept the fact that someone who has always been by your side could suddenly be gone forever. The reality of the situation does not always kick in right away. Some people choose to deny the fact that someone they care about has passed away because they are simply not capable of handling the truth.In some cases, denial combines with anger at the passed loved one because they feel that the person who died left them too early and at a bad time. This was the case when my grandmother (my mom’s mom) passed away a few years ago. My mom was my grandmother’s only daughter that lived here in America therefore they were very close and cherished each other greatly. I have a vivid memory of my grandmother’s deceased body laying on her bed with my mom sitting on a chair next to her and pounding the wall with her fists screaming, â€Å"Why did you leave me, how do you expect me to go on without you?!You can’t be gone, no, this isn’t happening! †It was a hard sight to witness; first off, because of the fact that my grandmother had passed away, that pain on its own was difficult to deal with and to add on top of that my mom was in such an extreme state of denial and anger she would not let anyone near my grandmother. My dad and one of my uncles forcibly took my mom out of the room in order for the funeral home attendants to remove my grandmother’s body.Speaking from personal observations, the time that it takes for people to stop denying the fact that one of their loved ones has passed on, varies depending on the person. After a death in the family, those close to the deceased may experience a sense of regret or guilt for their actions and those of others. Once my grandmother passed away, I had a conference with my school counselor who asked me to tell her about the emotions I was feeling towards my grandmother’s death. One of the emotions I picked out was guilt.I explained that I felt guilty for not having spent enough time with my grandmother, and at that point (thinking like a child) I felt that my grandmother may have passed away because I did something very bad to upset her and she simply did not want to deal with me any longer. My cousin experienced similar feelings. Her emotions were centered more on regretting the times when she had an opportunity to spend time with my grandmother; but she chose to do something else instead. Other people may try to comfort themselves by finding someone to blame for the death of their loved one. Most commonly, this blame is directed at doctors. Even though there may not have been any opportunity for the doctor to heal or revive the dying patient, it helps some people to identify the doctors as the guilty party. The reason why they direct all of their negative emotions to the doctor is because they say, â€Å"It is the doctor’s job to make him/her better; he/she died because the doctor didn’t do everything in his power to make him/her better†. Everyone deals with death differently; some people may feel guilty for their own actions while others tend to look for a figure that they can blame for the death of their loved one.Acceptance is the final step in coping with death. This is the time during which those close to the deceased are able to go through an emotional catharsis. Arriving at this stage is not easy but it pays off because you are finally able to â€Å"let go†. It is important to keep in our memories those near and dear to us, but it is equally as important not to wallow in the past because by doing so, all hope for the future is suffocated. Accepting the fact that someone you love is gone forever is difficult, it is normal to feel filled with emotion.Once the fact that my grandmother had passed finally set inside my understanding I cried for many hours every day. Crying was my way of letting out all of the emotions that I had stored inside of me after witnessing the pain my mom had gone through and losing my grandma. Saying good-bye is not easy, but it is something that must be done. Everyone copes with death differently. It may take longer for some people to realize that even though they may have lost someone who has always been of great importance to them, life must go on. This is why it is important to learn ways in which to deal with the situation and simply make the best of it. Some things can be undone; unfortunately, death is not one of those things. Even though discussing death is not a cheery topic, it is important to not only know but also to understand the different stages of grieving because as humans we cannot run away from death or avoid it. All people have an expiration date on this planet, for some it is sooner than others.Understanding the steps/stages in the grieving process can be beneficial when helping a friend cope with the loss of a close member of their family. By knowing the steps and what they consist of, you will have an understanding of why the person is reacting the way they are. It also makes it much easier for you to guide the grieving individual to the final step of acceptance from which they can return to their everyday life with the understanding that death is part of the human life cycle, and as depressing and difficult as it may be to comprehend it is an inescapable aspect of our human lives.
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