Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Things You Should Know About General Ielts Essay Topics with Answers
Things You Should Know About General Ielts Essay Topics with Answers The Meaning of General Ielts Essay Topics with Answers Expert writers behind such a company may provide all the essential help to the students. More research should be done before picking a specific supplier. You don't need to be an expert grammarian. You don't have to be an expert grammarian. Simply complete the form at the base of the page to post the essay question and it'll then be posted below. Before you commence writing, you must make an outline. As soon as you have finished the point of view, please don't try and make any more contrasting viewpoint in the identical paragraph because it will influence the coherence and flow of the essay. Writing sections, it's very essential for you in the event you write your own words. If you're writing an opinion essay, make certain you can determine either side of the problem. An excellent balance of simple and intricate sentences is utilized to develop an argument. Initially, you'd be provided a particular topic to talk about which would wind up getting a tougher interview vogue query. Try out this opinion essay question about the price of space exploration. The Pain of General Ielts Essay Topics with Answers Additionally, the memory of test-takers might not be reliable. The center ought to be conveniently located and the timings ought to be such that you can extract maximum from the course without unnecessary stress which might have adverse consequences. These steps would help you to get ready for the test in a more systematic and effective method. The Battle Over General Ielts Essay Topics with Answers and How to Win It IELTS is among the globally acclaimed tests and is recommended for global migration across the planet. So many men and women think IE LTS Exam is valid only in the united kingdom or Australia and, as an example, it's not valid in the united states, New Zealand, etc.. The preparation for IELTS is time consuming and requires plenty of practice besides good vocabulary and speaking abilities. Preparation for the PTE exam has to be completed in advance to get a superior score to qualify for a visa or maybe to study abroad. Any portion of the Listening exam may have a tricky question. When you prepare for the Reading section, it is best for you whether you read an excessive amount of context in English. Attend Demo class before you want to join. Writing test is just one of the most troublesome tests to score an 8 band. If you wish to discuss general things you do regularly, then you will need the current simple. To start with, if you get an excellent deal of money there's no true reason to go out to work or to strive for anything. Occasionally it can be in the very first part. Think of examples of the situations you mention instead of locating a way to explain them. On the flip side, people with a bad comprehension of English may take more time. The second lot, that have a knack for the language and have a tendency to fall back on the folks sharing the very same passion. Also, make certain to check at the word in a sentence to be conscious of the way it relates to other words. It is likewise very important to review words regularly. The Honest to Goodness Truth on General Ielts Essay Topics with Answers Many museums opt to have educational foreign exhibitions of important political and societal issues, which might be more informative than the media. The very first rationale is that the literature of their house country could possibly be too boring, making learning extremely frustrating. In addition, the literature of different countries exposes students to a number of distinct cultures, so studying it helps broaden their knowledge about other sections of the world.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Utilitarianism Bentham And Mill - 766 Words
Utilitarianism: Bentham VS. Mill Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that holds the morally right course of action in any given situation is the course of which yields the greatest balance of benefits over harms. More specifically, utilitarianism’s core idea is that the effects of an action determine whether actions are morally right or wrong. Created with philosophies of Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), Utilitarianism began in England in the 19th Century. Bentham and Mill built their system of Utilitarianism on ancient hedonism (pursuing physical pleasure and avoiding physical pain). Although both of these philosophers agreed on the basic principals of Utilitarianism they disagreed on what exactly hedonism is. Jeremy Bentham was one of the first philosophers to present a fully developed system of utilitarianism. He thought that we, as humans, should evaluate the consequences of our actions, determine whether each action is morally right or wrong, and tally the pleasure and pain that comes as a result of our actions. Is it right for me to donate to charity? Is it right for me to cheat on my government test? These questions we ask ourselves fall under Bentham’s theory known as act-utilitarianism because it focuses on the consequences of every action we perform. Bentham argues that the â€Å"greatest happiness of the greatest number of people†(Bentham) is how we should determine right from wrong. He also believed â€Å"mankind is under theShow MoreRelatedUtilitarianism By Bentham And Mill s Ideology1339 Words  | 6 PagesFirst, the idea of utilitarianism is that the highest principle of morality is to maximize happiness, which is the balance of pleasure over pain. Be ntham and Mill’s ideologies certainly can be discussed in the context of Freedom Summer. Specifically, the way in which Mill defends Bentham’s utilitarian principle shows that the actions of Freedom Summer are so actively involved in the ideas of utilitarianism. Many will point to the fact that Bentham’s original ideas of utilitarianism have a glaring flawRead MoreUtilitarianism By Jeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mill1992 Words  | 8 PagesUtilitarianism is an ethical theory originating from the late 18th and 19th century British Philosophers and economists: Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. The Utilitarian theory focuses solely on the consequences an action has on the happiness of those affected by the action. Utilitarianism can be contrasted with other ethical theories such as deontology; deontologists consider the morality of the actions while disregarding the consequences produced by their actions. However a utilitarian doesRead MoreUtilitarianism, By Jeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mill1678 Words  | 7 PagesUtilitarianism is an ethical theory that claims one is morally right when an action serves the ultimate interest of bringing about the most overall happiness. Any action that produces less happiness than an available alternative is not morally just. In fact, any action that produces pain, as opposed to pleasure, is considered unjust. Whether an action is right or wrong is independent of the intentions of the person committing the action. An act is right in virtue of its actual results, not its expectedRead MoreThe Theory Of Utilitarianism By Jeremy Bentham And John Stewart Mill903 Words  | 4 Pages Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mill both present great ideas towards Utilitarianism. Bentham on one hand came up with the theory of Utilitarianism, while Mill tried to build upon Bentham’s ideology, and make his own stronger. Bentham believed in one ultimate moral principle, the principle of utility. Bentham’s principle of utility is stated in chapter one of â€Å"Principles of Morals and Legislation†, â€Å"By utility is meant that property in any object, whereby it tends to produce benefitRead MoreJeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mills Mill On Utilitarianism872 Words  | 4 PagesMill on Utilitarianism â€Å"The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Utilitarianism, Mill). This theory of Utilitarianism was generated by the original Utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Mill says: â€Å"Happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privationRead MoreUtilitarianism And Out Of All By Jeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mill1513 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction With the passage of time, new ideas emerge and there is always a new way of looking into things thus developing new epistemologies. Utilitarianism is one of the ways of looking at things, there were and are many thinkers of utilitarianism and out of all the thinkers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill were the key thinkers or the classical utilitarians. Mill (as cited in Mulgan, 2007) states, â€Å"actions are right in proportion as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intendedRead MoreUtilitarianism, By Jeremy Bentham And John Stewart Mill s The Principle Of Utility868 Words  | 4 Pages1. Utilitarianism is a consequential theory by not only a matter of what we are capable of emotionally doing but to also do a matter of what we ought to do rationally. Actions to benefit the majority to maximize happiness for the greater of good of people and minimize unhappiness. Utilitarian is a hard universal theory for the universal moral code that applies to everyo ne to maximize happiness and minimize misery or unhappiness for the great of good. In the matter in which peoples consequences areRead MoreEthical Theories Of Utilitarianism By Jeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mill State1564 Words  | 7 PagesWhen it comes to normative ethics, a custom originating from the late eighteenth and nineteenth century English economists and philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill state that an activity is morally right on the off chance that it has a tendency to increase pleasure and morally wrong in the event that it tends to deliver the opposite of pleasure, pain – not only the pleasure of the person performing the activity but additionally that of everybody influenced by it. A theory of such isRead MoreAct Utilitarianism By Jeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mill During The 19th Century861 Words  | 4 PagesAct utilitarianism is a theory proposed by English philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill during the 19th century. The aforementioned theory states that an action is morally good if its benefits exceed its harms, and correspondingly an action is considered morally bad if its harms exceed its benefits. Act utilitarianism is based upon the principle of utility, which states an action is right, if it increases the total happiness of the affected parties, and wrong if it decreases the totalRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Virtue, By Jeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mill Erect The System Of Utilitarianism Essay1544 Words  | 7 Pageshave changed because people these days have their own ability to define happiness through their own experiences of pleasure and pain. Consequently, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill erect the system of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the concept that balances the many benefits as well as the discomforts of society. Nonetheless, utilitarianism could be put to the test with clinical research because it is not completely clear about how to balance people’s pain, discomfort, or inconveniences of such
Monday, December 9, 2019
Information Technology in Medicle
Question: Discuss about the Information Technology in Medicle Field. Answer: Introduction The application of Information Technology has huge impact on the medical filed. With the advancement of the medical science, the application of IT is also becoming important as, the advanced technology is a apart of the advanced medical science. The application of the IT in the medical field can be of various ways. The advanced technology can help to operate a critical process or the operation or it can be used to make advanced medical equipment (Yardley et al. 2015).This paper reviews the different application of the IT n the medical field and discuss about the way it is contributing in the growth of the medical field. The need for the concern about the growing impact of technology in the medical field has relevant as advancement in the both field has certain social impact (Dykes et al. 2017). It is also important for the further research purpose (Sheikh, Sood and Bates 2015). The application of technology in the medical science has some global importance also, as it has been seen t hat using the technology can help to process any function in the medical field more efficiently and medical experts around the world cannot ignore its effectiveness. Methodology The purpose of this paper is to find out the impacts of the IT in the medical field. There are certain other things those are needed to be evaluated in the course of the discussion such as the positive impacts of application of IT in the medical field, searching for the further research in this field and the evaluation of the change that has been made by the implementation of IT. In order to conduct this research, the primary data will be used (Sheikh, Sood and Bates 2015). The data can be collected from the interview of several medical experts. The questions in the interview will be made in such a way, that the objective research question can get the answers. The data collected from the interview, will then evaluated by then MS Excel or similar kind of tool. Review The impact of using health information technology for reducing the cost. In order to evaluate the impact of IT in health industry, the data regarding the cost and the quality of the treatment can be collected from the various hospitals. The data must contain the information before the adaptation of the IT in the medical industry and the information after the adaptation of IT in those hospitals (Agha 2014). The main objective is to identify the variation of the cost and services in the medical field after the adaptation of the IT in the medical field (Greene et al. 2015). It can be stated that the after the adaptation of the IT, the expenditure in the medical field has increased about 1.3 %, however, there is no change in the quality of service (Agha 2014). The paper regarding this research has stated many facts and information about the implementation of health care technology but has not developed the further research on this topic. Achievement of health information technology. In the opposite context it can be said that the health information technology has improved the overall public health and it also reduces the medical expenditure. In order to fiend this and prove this the in depth relevant interview has been done with the health experts and the officials (Sheikh, Sood and Bates 2015). This qualitative data has helped to come to the conclusion that the health information technology has improved the medical system along with the reduction of the medical cost (Sheikh, Sood and Bates 2015). The findings also indicates some flaws and drawbacks regarding the health information system such as limited interoperability, however the paper has not suggested any solution regarding these problems. The positive impact of the technology in the healthcare The technology has served the medical field in a meaningful way. Using regulations as the key aspect of the healthcare and reviewing the previous articles about the healthcare, it can be said that the health information technology has helped to improve the medical sectors (Jones et al. 2014). The methodology that has been used in this case is the primary data collection by conducting the interviews of medical experts (Hudson et al. 2018). Data has been extracted from the previous health articles and journals also in order to compare the scenario. The findings strongly indicates that the technology has certain positive impacts on the clinical decision making and health support system (Lyon et al. 2015). However, reason has not been found about the success factors of certain health information systems. Conclusion One of the major application of the implementation of IT in the field of medical science is introduction of health information system. There are certain articles which has states the impacts of the health information system. Some has stated then that implementation of the health information system in the medical field has increased the medical expenditure. However, most of the articles has stated the positive impacts of the healthcare information system. The articles have certain limitations, but has managed to contribute largely in the research by providing relevant information. The surveys and interviews of the medical officials and experts has played an important role in making the decision. The information that has been collected from the journal will help to find the questions in this paper regarding the use of IT in the medical field. These information will help to answer the evaluation of the application of IT in the medical field and the current impact of applying the IT rega rding the quality of service and the cost of the medical expenditure. It can be concluded from this discussion that health information technology has positive impacts on the medical fields, which indirectly contributes the social wellbeing by providing the good quality of health care policies to the people. Though there are certain limitations in using the health information system and certain factors are responsible for the success of this kind of technology, the overall impact of this kind of technology is positive. References Agha, L., 2014. The effects of health information technology on the costs and quality of medical care. Journal of health economics, 34, pp.19-30. Dykes, P.C., Rozenblum, R., Dalal, A., Massaro, A., Chang, F., Clements, M., Collins, S., Donze, J., Fagan, M., Gazarian, P. and Hanna, J., 2017. Prospective evaluation of a multifaceted intervention to improve outcomes in intensive care: the Promoting Respect and Ongoing Safety Through Patient Engagement Communication and Technology Study.Critical care medicine,45(8), pp.e806-e813. Greene, J., Hibbard, J.H., Sacks, R., Overton, V. and Parrotta, C.D., 2015. When patient activation levels change, health outcomes and costs change, too.Health Affairs,34(3), pp.431-437. Hudson, D., Kushniruk, A., Borycki, E. and Zuege, D.J., 2018. Physician satisfaction with a critical care clinical information system using a multimethod evaluation of usability.International journal of medical informatics,112, pp.131-136. Jones, S.S., Rudin, R.S., Perry, T. and Shekelle, P.G., 2014. Health information technology: an updated systematic review with a focus on meaningful use.Annals of internal medicine,160(1), pp.48-54. Lyon, A.R., Lewis, C.C., Melvin, A., Boyd, M., Nicodimos, S., Liu, F.F. and Jungbluth, N., 2015. Health Information TechnologiesAcademic and Commercial Evaluation (HIT-ACE) methodology: Description and application to clinical feedback systems.Implementation Science,11(1), p.128. Sheikh, A., Sood, H.S. and Bates, D.W., 2015. Leveraging health information technology to achieve the triple aim of healthcare reform.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,22(4), pp.849-856. Yardley, L., Morrison, L., Bradbury, K. and Muller, I., 2015. The person-based approach to intervention development: application to digital health-related behavior change interventions.Journal of medical Internet research,17(1).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Macro Environment Essay Example
Macro Environment Paper Our product and all of the other actors operate in a large macro environment of forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company is known as macro environment. Six largely uncountable external forces influence our products marketing activities. And also it influences decision making, and affect its performance and strategies. These factors include the economic, demographics, legal, political, and social conditions, technological changes, and natural forces Elements of Macro-Environment: Demographic Environment Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, destiny, location, age, gender race, occupation and other statistics. The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves people. Economic Environment Marketers require buying power as well as people. The economic environment consists of factors that affect consumers purchasing power and spending power patterns. Marketers must pay close attention to major trends and consumers spending patterns. Natural Environment The natural environment involves the natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or they are affected by marketing activities. Environmental concerns have grown steadily during the past three decades. Marketers should be aware of several trends in the natural environment. Technological Environment The technological environment is perhaps the most dramatic forces now shopping own destiny. Technological environment involves forces that create new technologist creating new product and marketing opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Macro Environment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Macro Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Macro Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Political Environment Marketing decisions are strongly affected by developments in the political environment. Political environment consists of laws, government agencies, government itself and pressure groups that influence or limits various organizations and individuals in a given society. Cultural Environment The cultural environment is made up of institutions and other forces that affect a society basic values, perceptions, preferences and behaviors. There are few cultural values which affect marketing decision making. These are persistence of cultural value, shifts in secondary cultural value, people views of organization and others. Environment factors that affect our green product Demographic effect: Population growth and age structure. Changes in demand patterns of products. I. Family structure changing. Changing households patterns. Time, Increasing dual income families. Part-time jobs and business. More education People are thinking of saving Multiple tasks at one time. Knowledgeable people are tending to use more inconvenience and useful things. Economic effects: Law product exports growth price of GNP service opportunities Social and cultural effects: Social organization such as family, school, temple and culture of the society heap, beliefs, norms, values, and behavior of people should take into an account before the launching of our product. Majority of people are influenced by their culture. Therefore when we trying to satisfy customer needs have to consider these factors and objectives should match with them. Technological effects: Obsolete therefore Products features to date. Durable Efficient Effective Political legal effects: Business regulations should be up influence and limit the behavior of Rules individuals and organization. Government Policies Laws Governments bodies Pressure groups Cowan is a green product Law tax rate Public acceptance Easier to launch Emphasis on ethics social responsibility Natural effects: Natural environment: Impending of storage of raw material Increased cost of energy Increased levels of pollution Government intervention in natural resources management Cowan is a green concept which provides energy saving system and lightning system without any capital expenditure. This encourages deployment of energy -? efficient products. And also it is a disposable product.
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